The Greater Madawaska Fire Department is a volunteer department that consists of a full-time Fire Chief and volunteer responders. The fire department consists of two halls, one in Griffith and one in Calabogie:
- Calabogie Station: 12470A Lanark Rd, Calabogie, ON K0J 1H0
- Griffith Station: 25991C Highway 41, Griffith, ON K0J 2R0
The Fire Department has recently launched their own informative Facebook Page, check it out!
For more information please read the Townships Burning By-Law 81-2016.
Fire Rating and Ban Information

Effective as of 12pm on Friday April 12, 2024, Fire Officials of the Township of Greater Madawaska have lifted the Level 1 Fire Ban, due to the forecasted rain for Township.
Please continue to use extreme caution when partaking in burning of any kind, and ensure that all required permits have been obtained.
Please be reminded that Fire Permits are required for any fires that are not deemed campfires and permit holders must phone 1-877-824-0006 prior to burning. Please refer to By-law 81-2016 for regulations.
Levels of Fire Bans |
The Fire Chief may, at any time, issue a fire ban based on the local conditions:
Fines |
Any person who is caught burning during a fire ban or without permit will be subjected to fines through the Provincial Offences Act outlined in the Schedule “A” and “B” of the Burning By-Law 81-2016. |
Our Mission
To provide a wide range of effective fire suppression, rescue, safety and related services to the residents of and visitors to Greater Madawaska to make it a safe place to live, work and play!
Our Values
- Service
- Compassion
- Integrity
- Teamwork
Our Vision
To achieve organizational excellence by:
- Utilizing customer centered service provision strategies
- Developing fire prevention and emergency operations programs that address the needs of our community
- Acquiring, allocating and deploying community appropriate resources
- Investing in staff development to develop appropriate skill sets
- Advancing an organizational culture that embraces safety, openness and teamwork
- Investing in new and emerging technologies as a means to achieve greater operational and communicative efficiency and effectiveness
Risk Management Philosophy
- We will risk our lives a lot, if necessary, to protect saveable lives
- We will risk our lives a little, and in a calculated manner, to protect saveable property.
- We will not risk our lives at all to protect lives or property that is already lost.
Contact Us